Two steps to present posters and papers


Step 1: Submission, deadline  13 September 2024 (inclusive)

Communication call is open. Please submit your communication proposal via this form.

IMPORTANT: the Scientific Committee (SC) will be particularly attentive to the care taken in writing the abstracts. In addition to the quality of the language, abstracts must meet current scientific standards with respect to aims, research, materials and methods, results and conclusions. The SC will also carefully consider whether the research meets ethical standards. Finally, submissions must obviously fall within the scope of biological anthropology. Any submission that does not comply with these rules of presentation will be rejected, irrespective of its quality.


Step 2: Decision from the Scientific Committee ► end of October

After assessment by the SC, you will receive a final decision on your proposal, which will confirm:
- whether it has been accepted or rejected
- the topic area to which your paper has been attributed
- and the format of presentation (oral presentation or poster)


About the posters


Posters should be in A0 PORTRAIT format (H=1189mm × W=841mm), preferably with eyelets.

Best poster prize

This is an honorary prize that will be awarded to the authors of the best poster, as selected by the Awards Committee during the conference. All poster proposals are automatically eligible for this prize, provided they are submitted within the deadline of the call for papers.