Application for membership

The SAP's continued activities depend on the number and involvement of its members. Members are entitled to a reduced registration fee for the annual SAP conference. Membership allows you to become involved in the Society's activities by taking part in the votes for the renewal of the Board of Directors and in voting at the Annual General Meeting (organised each year to coincide with the Symposium at the end of January). Members are regularly informed of the Society's activities and about current events in anthropology in France and abroad (contracts, symposiums, etc.).

Each membership application must be sponsored by two people who are already members of the Society. This sponsorship system creates a link between the future member and the SAP Board of Directors, who ratify the membership application. If you do not know of anyone who could sponsor you, please contact us at this address.

The membership fee is payable only after the Board of Directors has approved your application. This will be notified to you in an email from the Secretary General. You can pay for your membership fee using one of the methods described in the fees section LINK.

Applicant's contact details

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Sponsorship 1: Contact details of a SAP member

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Sponsorship 2: Contact details of a SAP member

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Curriculum Vitae

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