Membership entitles you to a reduced registration fee for the annual SAP symposium. It enables each member to participate in the activities of the society, by taking part in votes to renew the Board of Directors and in votes at the Annual General Meeting (held each year at the time of the colloquium, at the end of January). Members are regularly informed of the society's activities and of anthropological news in France and abroad (contracts, symposia, etc.).
You can apply for membership using the form on this page. Once your application has been approved by the SAP Board of Directors, you will be able to pay your membership fee according to one of the methods described in the fees section.
SAP is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. As such, you can make a donation to SAP, even if you are not a member.
Note that if you declare your income in France, you can deduct 66% of the amount of your annual membership fee or donation from your taxes, even if you are not taxable. So it really only costs you a third of what you pay into the Society.